Chiropractic care has been a proven method to back pain and chronic conditions for many years. Methods in providing care have shifted over time and with the adaptation to modern technology, chiropractic care is rapidly becoming an alternative form of health care.

Despite this, too often there are myths that still surround our field of work and the viability of our care. So we are going to bust them for you.

Myth 1: Chiropractors just crack backs

Although cracking can be a part of your rehabilitation program, it is not the be-all-and-end-all solution to your pain, nor is it the only method we use in our clinic. Chiropractic care does focus on spinal manipulation where we have a deep understanding of how your spine and related structures are intrinsically connected to the functionality of your body. 

You may have heard us say how “everything is connected” in our bodies,  which yes, that is true! As an example, your pain may stem in your knee, however the root problem may originate in your hip. This can be the case for multiple patients. 

In addition to manipulation techniques, we also incorporate:

  • Active Release Techniques

  • Strengthening and conditioning exercises

  • Mobilisation; gentle movement of your joint to increase range of motion

  • Stretching and massage

  • Lifestyle modification advice

  • Adjustments of other joints around your body

So no, we do not just crack backs all day. We incorporate a plethora of techniques that will target your injury or pain.

Myth 2: There’s no proof that chiropractic care helps

Chiropractic care includes evidence based treatments for musculoskeletal pain. With that being said, our work is majorly based on evidence based treatments that have proven worthy to use on patients. 

We constantly stay updated with modern techniques that are integrated into practice and always ensure these methods have research to back it up. 

Chiropractic care isn’t just for those patients that are injured. Chiropractic care increases energy, vitality and helps to improve sleep. Receiving chiropractic care on a regular basis improves everyday movement and technique, reducing risk of injury.

Myth 3: Chiropractors just treat back pain

As the above information presents, we treat musculoskeletal pain, so beyond back pain, we assist with all body pain types. The benefits of chiropractic care extend beyond the back.

Although spinal manipulation is a regular treatment of chiropractic care, the body is intrinsically connected with the spine the centre of connection. 

As the back is a sensitive area, easily prone to injury, we take back pain very seriously at our clinic. We stress the importance of proper lifting techniques and advise appropriate movement techniques to reduce your risk of back pain.

Have we busted some myths for you?

We hope that busting these myths has helped your perspective of chiropractic care. We always provide treatments that are evidence based, appropriate to the patients and reduce the risk of injury.

Want to find out more about what chiropractic care can do for you and your health? Call our clinic today or book online to receive a thorough assessment of your movement and we can issue you an individualized rehabilitation program. 

Take you rehabilitation journey with Kinetic Healthcare and book our appointment today.
