If your motivation to work out wavers when the temperature climbs, don’t throw in the towel just yet. Instead, prepare for the heat with a few extra precautions in place. 

Water intake

It goes without saying that water intake is important any time of year. In summer, don’t just drink when you are thirsty, drink regularly during the session. Regular water intake helps you regulate your body temperature. When you are low on fluids, fatigue can begin to set in and you will be unable to perform optimally. 

If you consume coffee or high caffeinated drinks prior to working out, these can act as a diuretic and cause you more fluid loss than normal. 

Wear Sunscreen and light-coloured clothes

Darker clothing attracts more sunlight, causing you to feel the heat quicker. Wearing lightweight light-coloured clothing is a great way to beat the heat when you are working out. Also wearing sunscreen with a high SPF is important, to decrease chances of sunburn and related issues. 

Schedule the right time

Picking the right time of day to workout is so important to beat the heat this summer. We suggest to not workout outdoors between 10am and 3pm, as that is when the heat is most intense. Early morning or late day workouts are the best times to beat the heat. 

Also avoid working out in direct sunlight. When possible, choose shady areas or covered outdoor areas when you workout this summer.

Recovery isn’t just water intake

High temperatures mean more sweat, which translates to major electrolyte loss. Recovery from this isn’t just an increased water intake. You need to focus on drinks that replace sodium but do your body a favour and not sip on artificial ingredients or added sugars. Choose to drink coconut water, cherry juice or chocolate milk (always look at the ingredients to ensure there are no added sugars).

Don’t overdo it

Don’t ignore your body when you begin to feel exhausted, or the heat is getting too much. Exercising in the heat and pushing yourself too hard is the easiest way to burn out and bring your fitness journey to a halt. 

If you are feeling tired, dizzy, nauseated or faint, listen to your body and stop. 

Prepare for your summer workouts with these tips! 

We want to wish everyone a great new year ahead, with a bright and healthy journey. Start the year off on the right foot with Kinetic Healthcare and book your appointment online or give us a call on (02) 4666 2796.
