Many can agree that the silly season is stressful! From planning catch ups to the endless menu you will be preparing for Christmas Day, the month of December can be hectic. One thing that we want you to remember this holiday season is to remain on track with your health goals.

Yes, that does include enjoying your Christmas meal and dessert!

With those hot summer days ahead, Kinetic Healthcare has some tips to help you stay on track!

1. Staying hydrated

This goes without saying during our intense summer weather. Your body will thank you for it. Drinking enough water each day is crucial in regulating your body temperature, keeping your joints lubricated as well as helping to improve sleep quality, cognition and mood.

2. Eating balanced meals 

We aren’t here to tell you to stray away from the dessert table, we all deserve cake after this year! When you eat balanced meals, you are giving your body the required energy and nutritional needs to function. When you don’t eat balanced meals, your metabolism will slow down and that dessert table may not be the best option. Ensure you are consuming enough nutrients to have the energy to be able to chase the kids around this Christmas season.

3. Move regularly

For many, the time off work may mean more sleep ins and skipping that early day work out. Which is not a bad thing, our bodies deserve a break. We always encourage you to keep moving, whether that be taking a walk around the block or taking a day trip to the beach. Keep your joints moving by completing little activities everyday to maintain your fitness levels.

4. Remember the buddy system

Social support is always best as it makes exercise fun. Arrange for you and a friend to go for walks, join classes or book a tennis court for a couple hours. The buddy system is a great way to enjoy the holiday season and a great motivator to keep on track.

5. Turn off your mind

The holidays are a great time to break away from the constant thoughts of work and family, and it is extremely important to take a moment to align your soul and body. Schedule a reminder daily to set aside time, even five minutes, to concentrate on your breathing and remaining zen within the stressful season.

Staying on track in the holiday season may not be the easiest, particularly with the constant events and interrupted schedule. Setting aside some time everyday will help you in remaining on track each day, where you are still achieving your goals during the hectic season.

Stay on track with Kinetic Healthcare and book your appointment soon to ensure you can come in before the end of year. 

We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a safe start to the New Year! Bring on 2021!
