Are you constantly feeling frustrated with having them same problem come back after having it treated time and time again?

We understand and feel for you. Our specialists Chiropractors have served many of the Catherine Fields area. Not one person is the same so why should your pain be ‘pigeon holed’. We at Kinetic Healthcare are not one would call your ‘traditional Chiropractic’ clinic. You will be assessed for your unique issue, be given a plan and tailored treatment that may include dry needling/Western Acupuncture, soft tissue massage (Active Release Therapy), Chiropractic adjustments/manipulations and exercise prescription program to get you feeling great and back to doing what you love.

While we excel with sporting injuries we are just as good at treating your run of the mill aches and pains and postural issues.

Our goal is to make a difference in how people are feeling and moving. We would love to help you be that person. Feel free to call the clinic on (02) 4666 2796 or email the clinic on

